Website Policy

Terms and Conditions

After you register as a user on Newchi, you will have access to services provided by the website.  Please follow the terms and conditions. Newchi reserves the right to cancel membership of online users. Once the membership is canceled, the user will no longer have access to the services. When you use the services provided by the website, you have fully understand the terms and conditions.

1. The Revision of privacy policy: Privacy policy will be revised according the law, development of related technology and inside policy to ensure the safety of your policy. Newchi will make an announcement on our official website when any revision on the policy is made.

2. Jurisdiction: The information on the website is for Taiwanese customers only.      Taiwanese law is applied to purchase and services on the website.

3. Newchi reserves the right to revise the terms and conditions. All revision will be announced on the website. We recommend checking the terms and conditions regularly. The users accept the terms and conditions if they proceed with using the website.
